
Editorial Design
Toolkit Creation
Process Development powers the purpose of people dedicated to solving the world’s biggest problems. A global community of nonprofits and educational institutions relies on Salesforce technology to help them operate effectively, raise funds, and build more meaningful relationships with those they serve. Expanding the Salesforce brand expression was needed to shift from a playful, illustrated approach to one that would allow authenticity and empathy to come to the forefront when speaking to and about their customers.

As a way to engage and educate current and potential customers, a robust library of templates that could be leveraged by all industry teams was needed. All templates needed flexibility within their structure so each Product Marketing Manager could highlight features, illustrate data flows, and showcase customer success stories.

To implement, a publication content toolkit was created to onboard new creatives, internally and externally, to ensure consistency across all content requests. Throughout this exercise, a total of 15 templates were created and are in circulation today to bring the integrated marketing plan to life.

Product and solution-focused for lead generation and sales support

Short-form Content

Short-form templates were created to house 2-10 pages of content. Typically leveraged for customer case studies, solution overviews to educate our current and prospective customers on new features and solutions, and solution snapshots to double-click into industry-specific applications of the Salesforce technology.

The most used template to date within the short-form content types is the solution snapshot. Users come to this asset at the middle to end of the user journey through the website and act as a downloadable takeaway on one specific cloud, feature, or solution set. The full Salesforce color palette was leveraged and set in a monochromatic color to differentiate each asset built within this template.

Deep dives into product offerings and evergreen templates for industry clouds

Medium-form Content

Ebook-based content in the 10-20 page range was the asset type that needed the most attention. These templates can house information ranging from a buyer’s guide to offer added guidance on the features to solutions to top-of-funnel branded ebooks that speaks to the Salesforce technology as it’s applied across the .Org industries of Education, Nonprofits, and Philanthropy clouds.

The buyer’s guides are a key piece of marketing material for the Education Cloud team. It was built to underscore the benefits of a data-driven approach to institution success and how considerations should be made when selecting and leveraging technology for digital transformation.

Thought leadership and research-driven reporting to diversify content mix

Long-form Content

The survey-based findings reports for needed a visual identity to differentiate from the sales-focused content. Within these reports, Salesforce technology is not the focus but data from industry focus surveying.

These long-form pieces of content can range anywhere between 20-50 pages. Highlighting data visualizations and curated stock photography rather than the Salesforce characters or illustrations evokes a serious yet hopeful tone for the audience.


Beekman 1802


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